Senin, Maret 14, 2011

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Happy Birthday Lyrics - New Kids On The Block

Alhamdulillaah... hari ini Nana udah 4th... ehm... udah besar ya gadis mama...

udah mo skul bareng kakak rara... udah bisa jagain neng chacha....

udah pinter, bantuin mama di dapur.. udah mo nyapu lantai yang kotor.. udah bisa beresin maenan yang abis di pake maen sama kawan-kawan Nana...

Happy b'dah ya teteh Nana....

Happy birthday to you, this is your day

On this day for you, we’re gonna love you in every way

This is your day, your day

Happy birthday to you, to you, to you

Happy birthday to you, you’re so young

Age is just a number, don’t you stop having fun

This is your day, your day

Happy birthday to you, to you

This day only comes once every year

Because you’re so wonderful

With each and everything you do, hey

Happy birthday to you, this is your day

On this day for you, we’re gonna love you in every way

This is your day, your day

Happy birthday to you, to you

This day is only for you

‘cause you’re so special in every way

Happy birthday to you


Copyright @ 2013 yanti.